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Supplement Coaches

We think we've done our part to create the absolute best workout supplements on the market—the last thing we want is for customers to be unsure of how to use them. You have a lot of options when it comes to which exercise supplements and powders you use, and we're happy you've chosen Atomic Strength. If you have any questions about what products are right for you or how to use our products, call or text one of our supplement coaches below! 
Coaches are available:
Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm MST
Call: 915-603-3335
or -
Text:  915-207-2456 


Atomic Supplement Coach

"I am a 38 year old single mom of 2 boys. People think, especially women, that because I am thin that I don’t have self esteem issues. Boy, are they wrong. I know what it feels like to be self conscious of stretch marks or not wanting to wear shorts because you feel like your legs are too skinny. I'm a marathon runner turned weight lifter gym junkie. I work my butt off to love the woman I see when I look in the mirror, and I know how hard it is to balance diet and exercise with a career and kids. 

I always get excited when someone is starting a workout routine or living a healthier lifestyle. It is my true passion to help motivate people to reach their goals. Sometimes people will buy supplements and have no idea what they are taking because ingredient panels look like gibberish. I'm here to help guide you through the sometimes confusing world of supplements, and answer any questions you may have!"  


Atomic Supplement Coach

"I served 8 years in the military and have been serving the military community of El Paso and Fort Bliss for over 10 years. I'm passionate about helping men and women in uniform achieve their health and fitness goals.

I know what its like to balance the stress of military life with the responsibilities of daily life, and trying to find time to focus on health and fitness. I have over 5 years retail supplement sales experience, so I'm familiar with every supplement brand under the sun. I'm extremely proud to be a member of the Atomic Strength Nutrition team, and and here to help!"  

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