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Resolutions: Four Easy Ones You Can Keep

You might have started the year off with great new years resolution. Perhaps you want to lose weight, build some muscle, or maybe you just want to increase mobility so you can play with your kids more often.

The unfortunate statistic with new year's resolutions is more than half of people don't actually obtain their goals. Sometimes it's because of a lack of motivation, but many times its because the goals really aren't obtainable in one year.

Resolutions need to be actionable and obtainable in order to see results.

That's why we created a simple list of four easy new year's resolutions you can keep.

Monthly Weight Loss

Okay, okay - you might already have this goal in mind, but how are you actually going about achieving it? Are you actively recording your calories and watching the junk food you eat?

Many people call out new years resolutions without any plan in mind. Setting goals from month to month rather than on a full year span can lead to greater success.

This is why we should set challenging, yet attainable monthly weight loss goals. Our suggestion is 3-5 lbs a month. This takes into account potential gains in muscle mass yet after one year you could lose up to a whopping 60 lbs with monthly targets.

Training Everyday

Most people don't think they can train every day. The truth is it only takes 20 minutes of exercise daily to see noticeable changes in your metabolism.

You probably already spent more than 20 minutes a day watching Netflix - next time you're set to watch a new show keep it simple, lay out a yoga mat and press out some pushups and lunges.  

Anything is better than nothing.

Eat Fruit Each Day

Many people underestimate the nutritional benefits of eating fruit every day. Not only does fruit provide your body with essential vitamins and minerals and complex carbohydrates, fruit is also a great source of fibre.

One apple contains 5g of fibre - that's about 20% of your daily intake of fibre. Eating 3-4 servings of fruit daily (as is recommended) will provide you with a more than adequate source of fibre - which has been shown to be a successful tool in weight management.

Sleep More

The most underrated new years resolution of them all. Sleep is essential to life and fitness. Without adequate sleep you will struggle to perform in the gym and lack energy throughout the day.

Adequate sleep up 7.5 hours or more has been shown to elevate testosterone levels, boost metabolism and even improve immune function.

Now that we are halfway through the first month of 2018 it's time to settle in and start making some real progress into the new year. Quitting is easy, but truth be told - staying on track is much easier.

Use these four simple new year's resolutions to increase your weight loss, strength and vitality in the new year.

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