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Improve Athletic Performance through Mobility and Joint Care

Improve Athletic Performance through Mobility and Joint Care

Perhaps the most overlooked component of any health and fitness plan is mobility and joint care. The average exerciser walks into the gym, completes a 5 min of cardio routine and works into accessory movements. Moving into exercise too quickly can not only lead to injury but can also slow down your strength progress. The effects of a mobility routine and joint care cannot be undermined.

Here are three tips to improve your performance through mobility and Joint Care

Teach PNF Stretching

Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, or PNF stretching for short is a relatively new method to increase mobility using a contract-relax technique. The idea behind PNF stretching lies in increase blood flow in a specific area. To utilize PNF stretching you follow a simple Contract, Relax, Stretch pattern for each major muscle group.

Let's use the Quads as an example. Assume a lunge position, using a stability ball place the back foot and lower shin on the ball, the other leg should be in a forward lunge at 90 degrees. For six seconds put gentle pressure ito the ball, engaging the quads in extension, then relax for three seconds, followed by a progressive six second stretch of the quad. Repeat this for 6-8 cycles.

Use Models of Tensegrity to Stretch Systems rather than muscles

Isolated stretches can be effective from a therapy and physio perspective but stretching systems can be far more effective promoting performance-based adaptations.

Tensegrity is a term used to describe the balance of tension between muscles and soft tissue in the body. It is known that the hamstrings and glutes are stronger than the quads, this is why you can deadlift more than squat. Understanding that some muscles should be tighter than others enables us to understand when and where we should stretch.

Popularized by Thomas Myers, Tensegrity can be used to describe how every muscle is connected, in long chains - sometimes referred to as kinetic chains.

Use Joint Recovery Supplements

One of the best methods to increase performance is to make sure your joints are always primed and ready for intense exercise. At Atomic Strength, we created a unique blend of ingredients that are clinically proven to help promote faster recovery, decrease inflammation, hydrate muscles and increase joint mobility.

To increase performance be sure to check out our BCAA and Joint Recovery formula,   Fallout.
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